Hypersteel lore

Major Events Timeline Since 2025:

Technology such as fusion is used in high end devices, with leaps in technology being made
Radar and tracker air-to-air cannons render nuclear bombs useless, but no country wants to resort to them after left over fears of the climate collapse.

Regular war is fair game if you can move fast enough to dodge AA turrets or use lasers to take them out etc or go too high out of range.
Generally aa turrets avoid firing at the ground to avoid damaging structures. Collateral damage is like that, even with the best ai or human gunner
(Basically it's harder to use anything but ground warfare, especially since the entire setting is some variant of urban warfare.)
Space elevators exist, and are used for retrieving the products of asteroid mining,which allows the technological leaps and bounds of the 60's

Space becomes a huge hot point for many countries, because of the wealth of resources.
This causes an environment almost like the high seas in some ways, where any country with Access to an area close to the equator puts up a space elevator and becomes wealthy.
This includes some countries in Africa, getting rich off charging people for use of their land. there's of course a war in Africa with a few countries,for use of the area for a space elevator
Air on lower levels or altitude’s is extremely polluted to where its hard or impossible to breath

Major Lore Events since 2023 (Not Dated):

America weakens due to the death grip of corporations on its people, making it hard for the ordinary person to do anything more than "just survive." (TLDR, dystopia.)
China slowly grows stronger over time. (Again, dystopia.)
Ecological collapse in the 2040's due to heavy overpopulation and global warming in most countries, leading to wide scale changes in the environment and climate.
Some areas still remain permanently underwater in 2091 due to the erosion of the storms and floods of the late 40's until the mid 50's.
Sometime after this, the second civil war takes place in America, with the people giving up over having nothing to lose.
Genetic engineering becomes a free for all, and people just throw out new species and technology trying to fix the world right and left.
Sometime after this, fusion is developed and becomes miniaturized.

Gene editing tech breaks loose, but becomes more regulated in the 70's.
By then you can still make basically whatever you want due to AI prediction of protein folding and such.
However it still takes a huge amount of time and effort to make something new, especially in something that's not a plant.
For plants most gene editors bar the user for using it to do anything that results in a biohazard, but other than that, mix and match to your heart's content. (Might wanna be careful around nightshades though.)
In the 60's and 70's earth gets cleaned up a bit, but a Cold-War style conflict starts as geopolitical tensions have weakened during the ecological collapse.

Japan becomes strongly imperialist, china begins looking at all other countries as weak as "they were the ones destroying the world and we saved it blah blah blah (no they didn't)"
Overpopulation is solved due to megastructures and all the huge construction projects done in the early 60's.
(In some cases overpopulation was solved in an unpleasant way such as cramped towers or population culling.)
Peak population was 18 billion, with the population in the 90's reaching similar levels again.

Ryko's info:

Ryko is the main character, a young military specialist thrust into heavy combat via deception.
Ryko utilizes a specialized exosuit designed to give the user extraordinary mobility. This suit is known as the "shadow of wind" or Kaze-kage suit in japanese.
ALTERNATE NAME: Whirlwind of Shadows. tbh i don't think this name is the best but who cares
Initially, Ryko needs to present this suit and how it enhances combat in a live drill against many trained soldiers of the Japanese army at a different military base to prove its effectiveness.
The person who was meant to use it died in an industrial accident, and due to the fact that the suit requires users to have multiple nervous system cybernetic augments. Ryko made a good substitute despite her mostly minimal training with it.
Ryko has the required cybernetics to make her mind run fast enough to keep up with the suit.
Cybernetics lower user reaction time to an inhumanly low 25ms,and help clean the brain of chemical buildup from cognitive load, allowing the user to engage in high speed focused tasks for a long time.
Said cybernetics take a long time to get used to,and are generally inconvenient to implant as well, then taking physical therapy to get used to, hence her selection.